It's been ages since I treated myself with any beauty products. I don't know if Lush counts as beauty but it does now!
So I recently when shopping in Bath with Mark and the Lush shop there is the biggest I've ever seen. I bought myself a couple of my favourite bath bombs and though I'd also try out some new ones.
Okay so I bought two of these and they were actually for my sisters. But my sisters love the bath bombs just as much as I do. They're from the Easter collection that they bought out and I think they're called 'Hoppity Poppity' or something like that...
I've never tried this one before but it was recommended to me by some friends. It's called 'Phoenix Rising' and is supposed making a green and purple layered bath and have a cinnamon sent to it.
'Butterball' is one of my classic favourites and I'm so excited to use it again! It's so good if you have dry or sensitive skin and it smells so good. My bath always becomes 10x more relaxing when I use this bath bomb.
'Space Girl' is one I've used once before and wanted to try again. It makes an amazing colour in the bath and has a fruity scent. The grapefruit oil in it is very good for clarifying the skin and is one I would highly recommend.
This one was also recommended to me and is called 'Twilight'. It is supposed to be good for helping you sleep, hence the named 'Twilight'. The fragrance is lavender which is one of my favourite scents.
I love the bath bomb range at Lush but want to venture out and try some of their other products. I've no idea where to start though.
Is there anything your recommend I try?
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